If you are a newlywed, photographer, or wedding vendor and would like to be featured on bridengroom.com, we would love to hear from you
We favor real weddings over engagement shoots and styled shoots, but we offer all three. Boudoir isn’t usually our bag, but if you have something truly amazing and unique, give us a try. We like to be wrong as often as possible!
We accept real wedding submissions from photographers, newlyweds, or a wedding vendor involved in the day. We know you’re just as time-poor as we are, so we like to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible. To submit your wedding, send us an email and include the following:
- Between 10 and 20 low-resolution images. Please include portraits of the couple and detailed photos (the cake, centerpieces, decorations, etc.). If the submission is accepted, we will then ask you to send the complete gallery.
- Images can be sent as an email attachment or linked to an external online gallery. If you wish to submit via Dropbox, please email a direct link to the folder itself rather than inviting us to a folder in Dropbox (as these can often be missed).
- Color images are generally preferred over black and white.
- Images should not have a watermark. Photo credit will always be included wherever an image is published
The couple’s names, wedding date, and location (there’s no time limit to submit, and it doesn’t matter if you got married yesterday or three years ago, we’d love to see it!)
A short paragraph or a few bullet points explaining why you think this wedding is perfect for Rock n Roll Bride and anything that particularly sets it apart.
Bridengroom.com will only post weddings and shoots that have not been previously featured on other wedding blogs or magazines. Please do not submit anything that is currently pending with another publication.
If your submission is successful and published, we are happy for you to submit it elsewhere afterward. We only need to be the first to submit something. We do not expect images to be retained for a specified period of time after our feature.
You are welcome to post the images to your own blog, website, or social media, but if they are picked up by another blog, magazine or publisher, it may compromise your functionality with us.

What can I submit?
We primarily feature real weddings, however, we post a very limited number of editorial and engagement photos. You can also pitch an idea to write an article for the magazine!
How can I submit it?
Email magazine@bridengrooom.com with 10-20 low-res images and a brief preview of the wedding/photoshoot. If your submission is accepted, we will send you all the information about what we need for the feature.
Can I publish the images on my own blog and on social networks?
Yes, of course!
Who’s permission do I need to submit a wedding?
Permission to be featured by both the photographer and the couple is imperative and the copyright holder of the image (usually the photographer) will need to sign a release form before sharing images. Please obtain permission from all parties before submitting a wedding or photo shoot. Weddings cannot be presented without the questionnaire completed by the couple and the authorization form signed.